It is time to take over !
That last FRANCE – KOREA Year seemed a relevant time to plan the creation of a
new Section inside the French “ANAAFF/ONU/BC & RC/156éme RI” Association in order to honor and perpetuate the souvenir of the 1950-1953 KOREA WAR Veterans.
Every year, indeed, unfortunately, the number of Korea War Veterans inevitably decreases in our Association, as well as in all the Veteran Associations of the countries around the world that took part in this fight for peace and freedom.
That is why this new Section would be not only aimed specially at their descendants : children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on ... but also at their friends and all the people interested in this “Forgotten War” or more precisely in the “French Battalion”.
The purpose of this project would be to get in touch with the Korean War Veteran Associations of the 16 belligerent countries, in order to generate a network of people - whose common background and interest would be : “The Korean War” -
which would allow connections all over the world – through the Association websites – between families or individuals or groups of persons linked whatsoever with KOREA WAR ...
To start with, we need correspondents in all the Associations to join the project and set up a “FORUM” on Internet with exchanges of news, different data, experiences, memories, researches, personal or historical information, books, all sorts of documents, photos, projects, etc...
Subsequently, these activities could lead to cultural exchanges between people or groups of people – even to working experience for youths or language study holidays ...
The creation of this Section would allow the Associations to perpetuate the souvenir of all the Korea War Veterans whose courageous and demanding commitment could be a source of inspiration in a world in search of values and ideal so that THEY will not be forgotten a second time !